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5/13/2013 8:36 PM 3178 100 Saints You Should Know
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 3732 150YearsOfTheNextBigThing.doc
10/7/2015 10:19 PM 3785 1959 Pink Thunderbird.htm
10/20/2012 8:50 PM 2036 2 From The Sea
10/27/2019 12:00 PM 3236 2020 A Fantasy.htm
6/30/2010 10:48 PM 1813 22 Caliber Mouth
11/13/2011 12:04 AM 1737 23 Feet in 12 Minutes
7/26/2016 5:34 PM 2383 245 and Counting.htm
9/3/2012 7:54 AM 2224 50 Things I Love About Frank
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 25600 A Brief Excursion.doc
1/18/2014 3:33 PM 2131 A Brief History of the Soviet Union
11/25/2014 5:02 PM 2897 A Bronx Tale.htm
3/22/2013 4:40 PM 1440 A Brooklyn Love Story
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2204 A Brush with Georgia O'Keeffe
10/18/2013 9:16 AM 2029 A Carliln Home Companion
3/28/2016 10:09 PM 4219 A Celebration of Harold Pinter.htm
12/7/2015 8:56 AM 3529 A Child's Christmas.htm
12/7/2013 8:43 PM 2645 A Christmas Carol
12/23/2016 10:53 PM 3275 A Christmas Carol 2016.htm
11/30/2014 9:52 AM 3943 A Christmas Memory.htm
11/24/2019 9:12 PM 2386 A Cocktail Party.htm
8/26/2015 4:44 PM 2780 A Crack in the Ceiling.htm
9/9/2012 10:35 PM 2091 A Day For Grace
9/18/2013 5:15 PM 2369 A Dish for the Gods
11/3/2008 3:31 PM 4642 A Dream Of Wealth.doc
3/25/2013 7:31 PM 2501 A Dream Play
10/31/2020 12:34 PM 3288 A Five Mile Radius.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 3478 A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol
2/26/2017 10:07 AM 2039 A History of Servitude.htm
1/16/2015 11:28 PM 2539 A Kind Shot.htm
3/7/2018 8:59 AM 4212 A Letter to Harvey Milk.htm
10/28/2013 2:46 PM 1838 A Little Potato
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 3295 A Lovely Sunday For Creve Coeur
4/28/2012 6:26 PM 2424 A Midsummer Night's (Queer) Dream
6/21/2015 11:40 AM 2749 A Midsummer Night's Dream.htm
5/16/2012 10:51 AM 2019 A Modest Suggestion
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 2597 A Mom's Life
11/20/2016 9:37 PM 3473 A Name for a Ghost.htm
5/16/2017 7:41 AM 3054 A New Memory 2017.htm
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 2189 A Number
6/2/2016 8:40 AM 3410 A Persistent Memory.htm
5/2/2015 5:01 PM 3332 A Queen for a Day.htm
7/24/2016 4:18 PM 3715 A Scythe of Time.htm
1/10/2013 1:08 PM 2044 A Serious Person
7/19/2013 3:55 PM 2720 A Serious Person and Then Some
3/15/2014 7:11 PM 2105 A Snowfall in Berlin
4/14/2012 5:58 PM 1594 A Solo Macbeth
8/24/2015 4:16 PM 2418 A Supposedly Fun Thing.htm
12/4/2022 8:49 PM 2653 A Tomato Can't Grow in the Bronx.htm
11/11/2014 6:10 PM 2928 A Wake or a Wedding.htm
7/28/2019 5:55 PM 3055 A White Man's Guide.htm
8/27/2023 7:09 PM 3163 A Will To Live.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 4453 A Winter Beauty
9/28/2020 1:53 PM 3545 A Woman's Honor.htm
2/18/2011 11:25 AM 2314 A World Apart
7/28/2015 7:15 AM 2819 Absolute Brightness.htm
12/19/2011 10:39 PM 2028 Accidentally Like A Martyr
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 26624 Acts of Mercy.doc
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2797 Acts of Providence
3/8/2019 8:52 AM 2558 Actually We're Fxxked.htm
10/6/2012 6:59 PM 2691 AdA
1/24/2017 9:33 AM 3092 AdA 2017.htm
12/21/2013 7:38 PM 2125 Adam's Gifts
2/15/2021 5:51 PM 2622 Adjust the Procedure.htm
4/29/2012 7:29 AM 2176 Adrenalin Heart
7/30/2022 8:44 PM 2468 Adventures in Vegas.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2828 Adventures of Nervous Boy
1/11/2015 4:24 PM 4489 Africa Umoja.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2022 After The Rain
6/25/2015 7:37 PM 2934 Aftermath.htm
1/19/2021 11:15 PM 3744 Aftermath2.htm
7/10/2010 5:14 PM 4177 Alcestis
3/22/2010 7:49 AM 4510 Alice in Slasherland
9/25/2013 1:07 PM 2327 Alien Citizen
3/15/2014 8:03 PM 2051 Alive
4/25/2016 3:20 PM 2590 All Over the Map.htm
12/15/2014 3:10 PM 3055 All That Dies and Rises.htm
3/20/2014 5:54 PM 1845 Alone in Triptych
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 4731 Altruists
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 3085 Amazing_Grace
10/8/2020 7:50 PM 3733 American Dreams.htm
4/2/2017 5:46 PM 3022 American Mill No 2.htm
2/15/2009 8:21 PM 2588 American Rapture
1/24/2024 9:36 AM 2692 American Whore Story.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 4877 AN Empty Plate In The Cafe DU GRAND BOEUF
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 2319 An Evening of Grand Guignol Horror
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 82432 An Evening of Grand Guignol Horror.doc
7/7/2012 5:23 PM 3036 An Ideal Husband
8/24/2015 4:23 PM 1922 An Inconvenient Poop.htm
11/10/2013 6:24 PM 1702 An Infinite Ache
9/19/2016 4:48 PM 1930 An Intimate Evening wih Death.htm
5/19/2016 7:18 PM 2062 An Unseen Visitor.htm
6/23/2012 10:48 PM 1921 And Miss Reardon Drinks A Little
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 3520 Angels Don't Dance
10/21/2013 1:26 PM 1968 Another Medea
5/27/2013 11:30 AM 1778 Antigone
7/7/2016 10:59 PM 3570 Antigone2.htm
3/12/2015 1:05 PM 3147 Antioch.htm
10/24/2014 5:20 PM 3284 Antonio and Shylock Monsters.htm
4/18/2014 2:11 PM 2908 Antonio and Shylock.html
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2768 Antons_Chekhovs_The_Seagull
3/3/2018 6:37 PM 3561 Anything Goes.htm
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 2493 Apartment 3A
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3420 Appetite
10/14/2019 1:58 PM 1767 Apple Table Penny.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2103 Archy And The Underside
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2301 Are We There Yet
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 0 Armchair America
5/22/2011 4:50 PM 2220 As It Is In Heaven
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 3663 As You Like It
11/3/2008 3:35 PM 2808 Ascension
10/18/2024 9:26 PM 3156 Ashes & Ink.htm
7/17/2010 5:26 PM 1969 Asian Belle
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 2214 At Home With The Nixons
10/19/2019 7:22 PM 2192 At Wit's End.htm
5/19/2015 6:25 AM 3272 Athena Writes.htm
9/8/2012 3:58 PM 2656 Auditions Zoe Part 2
10/22/2009 8:53 AM 2653 Avenue Q
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 2647 B J
6/18/2022 9:59 PM 2844 B-Boy Blues.htm
5/31/2013 2:50 PM 1787 Baby Screams Miracle
12/6/2010 10:32 AM 3682 Baby Universe
9/14/2019 8:52 PM 2641 Bad Penny.htm
10/16/2011 10:15 AM 1590 Bait n' Swish
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 2412 Ballad of Eddie and Jo
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2538 Ballerina Who Loves B-boy
2/3/2019 9:41 PM 2007 Barefoot.htm
2/3/2019 9:41 PM 2007 Barefoot2.htm
6/21/2017 6:42 PM 2175 Bastard Jones.htm
9/7/2014 5:48 PM 5051 Bastards of Strindberg.htm
9/18/2013 4:41 PM 1749 Be a Good Little Widow
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2661 Beata
11/3/2008 3:31 PM 4621 Beautiful Thing
11/15/2017 10:28 PM 3825 BEE.htm
6/12/2018 4:02 PM 4022 BEE2.htm
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 3116 Beeping Henry
7/25/2018 4:23 PM 2439 Before We're Gone.html
8/20/2015 2:36 PM 2451 Being Seen.htm
6/20/2013 5:39 PM 2686 Bella's Dream
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 2899 Belmont Avenue Social Club
8/9/2018 7:42 AM 3220 Beloved.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2797 Bernard A
4/20/2021 9:32 PM 4021 Bertha Part One.htm
4/26/2021 1:14 PM 3807 Bertha Part Two.htm
8/1/2020 5:04 PM 2446 Bette Davis Ain't for Sissies.htm
2/6/2019 11:26 PM 2102 Between the Threads.htm
10/27/2013 4:55 PM 1870 Beyond Words
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3176 Big Blonde
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 5027 Big Cactus
10/2/2013 8:22 AM 2073 Bike America
3/23/2014 7:03 PM 2471 Bill W and Dr Bob
6/23/2012 5:08 PM 1900 Billy Bob Boils The Sea
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2208 Billy BoB Loves Charlene
8/31/2012 7:00 PM 2091 Bird in the Hand
7/28/2013 9:49 PM 2141 Black is the Color
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 1541 Black_Humor
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 4120 Black_Snow
8/18/2012 10:59 PM 1909 Blanche
1/25/2009 9:54 PM 2408 Blanche Survives Katrina
5/16/2020 7:18 PM 3813 Bleeding Love.htm
4/4/2014 2:48 PM 2516 Blood Sky.html
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 3509 BloodyPoetry
9/12/2016 4:40 PM 2457 Blossum.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2507 BlueWindow
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 1994 Bo
10/17/2015 11:10 AM 2754 Boogie Stomp.htm
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 3240 Border Clash
2/4/2020 9:31 AM 2817 Border People.htm
4/20/2013 12:14 PM 3122 Born with Teeth
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 10240 Boston Proper
8/17/2020 12:50 PM 2855 Bouncing Back.htm
11/4/2011 2:11 PM 1823 Boy Gets Girl
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2800 Breaker
2/22/2015 10:24 PM 2580 Breaking the Silence.htm
11/6/2009 5:43 PM 2132 Brecht On Brecht
10/4/2021 12:34 PM 3089 Brilliant.htm
10/10/2012 8:12 PM 2221 Broke Wide Open
4/22/2013 12:18 PM 1432 Brotherly Love
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 4547 Brutal Imagination
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2970 Brutality of Fact
11/30/2010 10:06 AM 2744 Bryan Dyksstra's Ho!
12/15/2012 7:08 PM 2553 Bumbug
7/26/2015 8:25 AM 2601 Butcher Holler.htm
3/18/2018 6:47 PM 3047 Calamity Jane.htm
2/18/2012 7:21 PM 2098 Call Me Waldo
3/3/2013 9:47 PM 1630 Candy Tastes Nice
12/5/2011 10:10 AM 1990 Canterbury Tales Remixed
5/8/2021 10:51 PM 3791 Careful What You Wish For.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 4534 Carl The Second
8/24/2011 9:15 PM 2370 Carnival Knowledge
1/18/2011 12:44 AM 2427 Carnival Round the Central Figure
7/28/2013 10:01 PM 3855 Castle Walk
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2082 Cat's Paw
10/1/2015 1:00 PM 3234 Catch the Butcher.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2296 CaveMan
10/12/2011 11:17 AM 2828 Central Avenue Breakdown
4/14/2013 8:34 PM 3035 Chaos Is Come Again
4/14/2019 9:41 AM 2656 Charlie's Waiting.htm
10/12/2015 7:02 AM 1453 Chase.htm
10/3/2021 9:06 AM 2630 Chasing Jack.htm
10/3/2021 9:07 AM 2630 Chasing Jack1.htm
2/11/2020 8:29 AM 2639 Chasing the River.htm
2/8/2016 3:03 PM 2570 Chatting with the Tea Party.htm
11/18/2012 9:21 PM 2583 Checkers
5/6/2013 3:41 PM 2207 Chemistry of Love
2/28/2009 6:34 PM 2677 Cherry Smoke
1/8/2012 7:35 PM 1798 Chimera
9/27/2014 8:23 PM 3467 Chinese Coffee.htm
5/15/2012 3:04 PM 2015 Chlamydia Dell'Arte
2/27/2009 10:02 AM 2930 Christine Jorgensen Reveals
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 2997 Christmas On Mars
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 1585 Circle
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 26112 Clean Alternatives.doc
10/31/2015 7:46 PM 2852 Clever Little Lies.htm
4/10/2015 2:53 PM 3801 Clinton The Musical.htm
7/25/2014 5:43 PM 3660 Clinton.htm
2/28/2009 6:21 PM 2677 clockwork_theatre_presents_w
9/13/2020 9:57 PM 2911 Cocaine.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 1919 Code Of The West
6/28/2020 7:18 PM 2336 Cola'o.htm
12/7/2012 3:50 PM 2886 Cold Snaps
1/29/2016 6:18 PM 2620 Collaborators.htm
1/18/2013 2:46 PM 2329 Collision
6/15/2021 9:19 PM 2851 Collision Shop.htm
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 3890 Colorful World
4/13/2015 2:08 PM 2081 Comide de Puta.htm
11/11/2024 4:11 PM 2201 Communion.htm
6/14/2020 8:15 PM 2813 Compromise.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 26624 Confessions of A Mormon Boy.doc
1/13/2013 8:10 PM 2947 Connecting Circuits
5/31/2020 7:49 PM 3706 Constancy.htm
7/23/2020 4:17 PM 3219 Convicted by Mercy.htm
8/31/2013 12:09 AM 1754 Coq Tot
9/14/2012 3:59 PM 2279 Cosi
8/27/2012 8:25 AM 2656 Cougar The Musical
7/21/2013 1:47 PM 1901 Crazytown
10/13/2009 6:24 PM 3052 Cross That River
1/8/2014 6:20 PM 1198 Cry Me A Liver
1/30/2015 5:48 PM 3078 Da.htm
4/8/2016 8:04 AM 3457 Daddy Issues.htm
9/11/2011 6:38 PM 2487 Dally with the Devil
10/28/2018 9:02 PM 3363 Daniels Husband.htm
8/6/2021 8:59 AM 3411 Dark Disabled Stories.htm
10/11/2011 5:58 PM 2470 Date of a Lifetime
3/23/2012 7:23 AM 3064 Dating, Depression & Dirtbags
11/11/2023 9:46 PM 2634 Daydream Tutorial.htm
5/6/2020 3:11 PM 3530 Days of Possibilities.htm
11/7/2015 8:04 PM 3516 Dead and Breathing.htm
11/12/2014 7:09 PM 2988 Dead Special Crabs.htm
5/20/2013 1:55 PM 2522 Deadly She-Wolf Assassin
4/8/2016 7:46 AM 3369 Death for Five Voices.htm
3/5/2019 8:58 AM 2732 Death of a Driver.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2294 Debbie Dose Dallas
2/26/2021 7:23 AM 3604 Deceivers.htm
1/11/2012 12:41 AM 2167 Dedalus Lounge
7/22/2015 6:07 PM 3942 Deep Love.htm
2/28/2015 1:19 AM 3317 Delirium's Daughters.htm
12/3/2011 3:52 PM 2423 Derby Day
5/26/2013 2:18 PM 1710 Diana Oh is Going Rogue
2/27/2012 11:30 AM 1902 Dictators for Hire
5/2/2016 5:27 PM 3112 Dido & Aeneas.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2540 Dido Queen of Carthage
10/18/2019 7:43 AM 1888 Digging in their Heels.htm
9/8/2019 4:23 PM 3145 Dining with Ploetz.htm
6/18/2015 1:23 PM 3098 Dinner with the Boys.htm
2/14/2012 6:50 PM 2664 Disaster
10/30/2013 9:05 PM 2372 Disaster2
1/31/2021 11:16 AM 3173 Dog Act.htm
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 2961 Doing Justice
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 3066 Don'T Blink
5/26/2013 2:26 PM 1839 Dos Mujeres
4/29/2019 10:26 AM 2387 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3264 Dragapella
6/7/2013 3:05 PM 1852 Dragon
1/22/2017 6:23 PM 2521 Dragon Slayer.htm
10/5/2013 6:23 PM 2093 Drama At The Point
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 25600 DreamHouse.doc
6/11/2010 10:52 PM 2181 Dreams of the Washer King
8/24/2015 10:00 AM 3699 Drop Dead Perfect.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2229 Drumstruck
7/11/2017 1:54 PM 2346 Dylan Brody's Driving Hollywood.htm
6/19/2015 3:41 PM 3047 Easier Said Than Done.htm
6/15/2021 7:48 PM 4041 East Side Stories Part 1.htm
6/30/2020 2:23 PM 2653 East Village Trader Joe's.htm
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 2689 Eat The Runt II
4/29/2012 5:33 PM 2618 Eavesdropping on Dreams
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2659 Eccentricities of a Nightingale
1/26/2014 4:29 PM 2630 Edison's Elephant
11/19/2022 12:57 PM 2346 Eleanor and Alice.htm
8/19/2018 10:50 PM 2824 Elephant.htm
11/3/2008 3:31 PM 3056 Eloise & Ray
6/23/2013 5:40 PM 2184 Elsinore County
10/29/2009 2:46 PM 1868 Embraceable Me
10/26/2023 11:34 AM 2840 Emergence.htm
11/18/2012 11:47 AM 1397 Emergency a la carte
11/8/2010 5:09 PM 1917 Emergency Used Candles
1/31/2009 2:08 PM 2316 Emilie's Voltaire
9/13/2009 6:04 PM 2544 Emily
10/17/2016 4:42 PM 1943 End of Summer.htm
6/23/2014 8:37 AM 3157 Endurance.htm
2/16/2021 8:53 PM 2971 Enemies.htm
5/31/2014 2:02 PM 3331 Essential Straight & Narrow.htm
10/22/2013 3:31 PM 2823 Estrogenius 2013
4/2/2013 2:33 PM 2009 Eurydice's Dream
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 26624 Evensong.doc
6/7/2020 8:47 PM 4438 Ever Young.htm
10/25/2014 6:22 PM 2696 Excuse My Dust.htm
7/14/2013 1:49 PM 2538 Expiration Date
12/10/2023 4:24 PM 2096 Export Quality.htm
4/8/2014 2:32 PM 2433 Extraordinary Extremeties.html
7/24/2014 4:45 PM 3685 Fable.htm
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 2837 Fabrik
8/24/2012 4:46 PM 2282 Fabulous
12/4/2011 7:58 PM 2944 Fairy Tale
6/10/2023 4:47 PM 2281 Fallen Angels.htm
5/17/2018 10:57 AM 2507 Falling Forward.htm
6/16/2013 10:15 AM 2293 False Solution
6/21/2010 10:16 PM 2161 Family Dinner
5/3/2014 7:31 PM 3344 Family Play.htm
9/25/2022 4:24 PM 2624 Fastened to the Moon.htm
9/17/2009 10:56 PM 2599 Fathers & Sons
9/12/2014 5:22 PM 4069 Fault Lines.htm
8/19/2020 9:14 AM 3451 Files of the Indin Police.htm
7/21/2012 7:45 AM 2359 Final Analysis
9/26/2012 4:00 PM 1451 Finding Elizabeth Taylor
6/16/2018 2:55 PM 2838 First Love.htm
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 3127 Five Course Love
3/8/2012 11:02 AM 2284 Flight
7/6/2012 7:56 AM 1886 Flying Snakes in 3D!
8/26/2012 5:23 PM 1941 Folie Pure
3/3/2015 2:36 PM 2158 For the Benefit of Miss Jennie Gourlay.htm
5/29/2015 7:00 AM 4660 For The Last Time.htm
10/19/2019 7:39 PM 3956 Forbidden Broadway.htm
4/28/2014 7:12 AM 3210 Four Last Things.htm
5/5/2020 3:02 PM 3891 Fourteen and Criss Cross.htm
8/19/2012 12:56 PM 2252 Frank Women
10/15/2010 10:29 AM 2032 Friends
12/4/2011 4:23 PM 2388 Friends and Relations
6/13/2020 5:11 PM 3227 From Here.htm
2/9/2013 8:31 PM 2663 From White Plains
3/25/2013 9:04 AM 2883 Fucking Up Everything
6/28/2020 7:28 PM 3900 Fulltime Active.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2442 FunBox2
3/28/2010 3:14 PM 1857 G.B.S
3/20/2022 10:20 PM 2679 Garbageman.htm
11/18/2012 1:51 PM 2081 Garden of Delights
3/22/2009 4:15 PM 2375 Gaugleprixtown
11/12/2010 11:29 PM 1839 Gazillion Bubble Show
6/20/2013 5:28 PM 1964 Geppetto
6/15/2014 4:55 PM 3625 Gertrude Stein Saints.htm
7/16/2014 3:23 PM 3321 Gertrude The Cry.htm
8/12/2012 7:57 PM 2129 Getting The Business
2/26/2013 4:02 PM 3906 Ghost Light
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 11264 Gloria
4/12/2015 10:02 AM 2328 Go To Sleep.htm
12/29/2019 9:41 PM 2919 God Is A Woman.htm
4/24/2023 7:50 AM 2950 God of Carnage.htm
7/9/2018 7:57 AM 3200 God Save Queen Pam.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3469 Godot Has Left the Building
4/6/2018 8:32 PM 3437 Goldstein.htm
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 26112 Gonig To St.Ives.doc
11/13/2011 11:15 PM 2074 Good Morning Anita Hill
1/12/2020 11:09 AM 3095 Good Morning New York.htm
6/28/2012 11:46 AM 1812 Good Year for Hunters
6/17/2015 9:42 PM 2149 Gordy Crashes.htm
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 2469 Grace
9/29/2011 12:58 PM 1475 Grapefruit
6/28/2020 7:41 PM 2962 Grassroots.htm
6/22/2022 9:00 AM 2706 Gratitude.htm
6/11/2017 8:06 AM 3270 Great Again.htm
11/4/2011 2:03 PM 1821 Guts
5/10/2010 10:12 PM 2843 Guy Walks Into A Bar
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 35328 H_M_S_ Pinafore.doc
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 4508 Habeas Corpus
8/12/2012 1:45 PM 2033 Hadrian's Wall
5/23/2016 4:23 PM 1987 Half Moon Bay.htm
5/8/2017 5:08 PM 2637 Hamlet A Version.htm
7/23/2013 7:20 PM 2264 Handbook for American Revolutionary
12/16/2013 12:00 AM 2425 Handle With Care
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 3788 Hank Williams Lost Highway
5/21/2018 8:57 AM 2200 Hannah Gadsby.htm
11/19/2011 10:27 PM 1536 Happiness
7/27/2015 8:04 AM 3163 Happy 50ish.htm
7/3/2015 7:05 AM 3316 Happy Days.htm
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 3092 Harvest
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3034 Hate All Your Friends
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2653 Havana Is Waiting
8/12/2012 1:58 PM 2069 Have I Got A Girl For You
3/30/2021 4:40 PM 2922 He Said and She Said.htm
10/12/2015 7:10 AM 1789 Heather Smiley.htm
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 3085 Hedda Gabler
6/13/2014 3:36 PM 3692 Hedda Gabler.htm
11/12/2016 11:20 AM 3402 Hedy.htm
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 2095 Heist
4/6/2010 8:47 AM 2921 Hell and High Water
10/31/2023 12:22 PM 2692 Hell's Kitchen.htm
10/26/2015 7:00 AM 2967 Hells Belles.htm
7/21/2013 12:19 AM 1423 Help Yourself
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2871 Helsinor
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2025 Henry VI
5/18/2021 8:05 AM 3005 Her Opinion of His Story.htm
6/27/2016 7:18 AM 3325 Here I Sit Brokenhearted.htm
8/14/2011 9:00 PM 2104 Herman Kline's Midlife Crisis
11/2/2011 1:49 PM 1783 Heroes and Other Strangers
10/7/2012 11:10 PM 1681 HeShe and Me
6/5/2015 7:20 AM 2549 Hey Jude.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 25600 HI.doc
9/1/2015 1:41 PM 2060 Hick A Love Story.htm
9/20/2009 6:27 PM 2410 His Greatness
6/11/2013 9:34 PM 2709 Hold These Truths
2/5/2012 8:19 PM 3653 Holy Child
5/7/2012 8:53 AM 1878 Home In Her Heart
11/8/2015 7:41 PM 3159 Homeless.htm
3/15/2013 6:45 PM 2454 Honky
10/26/2013 7:30 PM 2373 Honky2
3/8/2012 11:12 AM 2798 Hot Lunch Apostles
6/15/2014 4:49 PM 3180 Hot Season.htm
6/24/2012 6:35 PM 2313 House of Curiosities
4/5/2013 8:48 PM 2450 How I Learned to Become a Superhero
5/25/2013 10:08 AM 1540 How To Do A One Person Show
9/27/2012 11:23 PM 2062 How To Get Into My Pants
10/6/2009 12:25 PM 2158 Hughie
12/22/2011 1:46 PM 2047 Hypnotik
4/1/2013 8:01 AM 3980 I Know What Boys Want
9/23/2016 7:09 AM 4051 I Like It Like That.htm
10/2/2017 9:26 PM 3196 I'm Mindful.htm
8/13/2012 1:50 PM 1501 I3 Revolution
10/3/2014 4:06 PM 3281 Icebound.htm
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 2189 Icons3
3/11/2019 7:59 AM 2375 Identity.htm
12/8/2019 10:03 PM 2892 In a Dark House.htm
8/11/2015 5:14 PM 3570 In a Tilted Place.htm
9/3/2015 7:29 AM 3596 In Bed with Roy Cohn.htm
6/25/2023 9:04 PM 2897 In Corpo.htm
11/3/2008 3:35 PM 40960 In Delirium.doc
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 2241 In On It
1/15/2016 3:25 PM 2964 In Quietness.htm
9/9/2018 8:24 PM 3420 In the Bleak Midwinter.htm
6/3/2012 10:51 PM 2390 In the Company of Jane Doe
9/19/2009 8:20 PM 2369 In the Daylight
9/7/2014 7:48 AM 2188 In The Ring.htm
8/2/2020 10:56 PM 2569 In the Season.htm
11/29/2015 9:14 PM 3171 In the Soundless Awe.htm
12/7/2018 9:43 AM 2853 In Your Face NY.htm
5/21/2016 7:48 PM 3322 Indecent.htm
9/20/2009 6:15 PM 2410 index
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 30720 Index To Idioms.doc
3/8/2021 10:43 AM 2933 Inside the Wild Heart.htm
10/12/2010 9:55 AM 3356 Interchange
7/15/2018 8:47 PM 3507 Interstate.htm
9/10/2011 4:29 PM 1915 Invasion
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 2708 It Goes Without Saying
11/9/2011 3:35 PM 1788 It Is Done
10/7/2013 11:52 PM 2967 IYOM
4/19/2014 4:28 PM 3602 Jackie & Marilyn.htm
4/28/2014 10:08 PM 2884 Jamaica Farewell.htm
9/15/2022 9:23 AM 2879 Jasper.htm
8/24/2016 3:53 PM 2823 Joey Variations.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 3141 Johnny 23
1/21/2018 10:11 PM 3372 Josephine.htm
12/28/2020 4:02 PM 3723 Journey Around My Bedroom.htm
7/16/2021 7:51 PM 2990 Judgment Day.htm
6/1/2012 9:05 PM 2513 Jukebox Jackie
6/5/2014 1:22 PM 2962 Julio.htm
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 2933 Julius Caesar
2/28/2021 9:28 PM 3318 Julius Caesar.htm
3/10/2021 2:09 PM 3036 Julius Caesar3.htm
3/18/2021 1:29 PM 2959 Julius Caesar4.htm
8/19/2012 4:02 PM 2015 June and nancy
5/12/2024 3:55 PM 2624 Just Another Day.htm
10/8/2011 5:33 PM 1695 Just Like Magic
3/25/2012 5:31 PM 1739 Just Sex
3/28/2009 9:16 PM 1917 Just Shut Up and Smile
6/6/2014 3:08 PM 3492 Kallie.htm
11/9/2018 8:52 AM 3386 Kennedy.htm
10/11/2011 6:19 PM 2333 Kiki Baby
1/10/2013 12:12 PM 4627 KikkiGrandpaBaby
1/26/2015 6:23 PM 2964 Kind Souls.htm
5/24/2012 10:03 PM 2203 King's River
6/2/2014 12:03 PM 3220 King-Laubach Story Hour2.htm
5/9/2014 4:38 PM 3071 King-Lauback Story Hour.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 11776 Kinglear
9/18/2011 6:26 PM 2111 Kithless in Paradise
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 2467 Klytaemnestra's Unmentionables
11/2/2013 5:53 PM 1972 Knyum
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 31232 Krankenhaus Bluse.doc
5/31/2015 3:26 PM 3309 L'Amfiparnaso.htm
6/23/2013 1:02 PM 1843 La Brea
12/31/2011 7:13 PM 2802 La Mama Cantata
11/3/2010 8:42 AM 3232 La Manajata Bequixed
1/13/2019 7:10 PM 2488 LaBute New Theatre Festival.htm
7/13/2019 10:44 PM 3218 Ladyship.htm
10/17/2015 5:35 PM 3353 Last Call.htm
6/4/2013 11:17 AM 1905 Last Laugh
5/24/2014 9:25 PM 2718 Last of the Knotts.htm
11/16/2013 5:38 PM 2032 Lemon Meringue
12/2/2012 10:11 PM 2484 Let's Kill Grandma
7/5/2016 8:46 AM 4568 Liberty.htm
7/13/2013 11:16 PM 3042 Life Could Be A Dream
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2474 Life in a Marital Institution
9/18/2012 5:18 PM 3002 Life on the Mississippi
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 3124 Life' Call
9/4/2024 10:00 PM 3048 Lifeline.htm
2/18/2013 1:14 AM 3024 Lightening From Heaven
8/19/2023 9:50 AM 2719 Lighthouse.htm
7/26/2016 5:18 PM 3675 Lisa and Leonardo.htm
9/24/2012 5:11 PM 2057 Listen Can You Hear Me Now
10/29/2016 8:32 PM 2635 Listen Can You Hear Me Now2.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 5134 Little Ham A Harlem Romance
5/28/2015 6:19 PM 3803 Little Wars.htm
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 26112 Living Dead In Denmark.doc
4/15/2013 12:48 PM 2806 Living Underground
6/6/2016 2:50 PM 2233 Lone Star Spirits.htm
8/28/2010 6:34 PM 2205 Lost and Found
11/5/2012 9:58 AM 2445 Louis Armstrong
4/5/2009 7:56 PM 2187 Love Drunk
6/27/2022 11:03 PM 3025 Love Quirks.htm
2/13/2015 10:42 AM 3290 Love Sick.htm
7/17/2013 8:56 AM 2545 Love Stinks
4/28/2013 10:43 AM 2139 Love Therapy
7/28/2013 2:48 PM 3277 Love, Genius and A Walk.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 3043 Love, Janis
6/18/2010 8:57 PM 2103 Love, Loss, And What I Wore
7/15/2010 11:18 PM 2405 Lovers
5/6/2015 8:18 PM 2914 Lunt and Fontaine.htm
1/12/2014 11:52 PM 1584 Lustyness
6/11/2012 1:51 PM 1878 Luther
10/1/2012 11:51 AM 2728 Luz
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 1908 M-E-T
4/3/2015 4:31 PM 2734 Macbeth Unsex.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3917 Machinal
3/22/2014 7:31 PM 1981 Made For Each Other
6/25/2015 7:27 PM 2559 Mallorca.htm
7/22/2015 4:09 PM 3515 Manuel.htm
5/9/2015 4:40 PM 2486 Manuscript.htm
5/29/2013 4:59 PM 2251 Marcellus Shale
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2550 Marie Antoinette
7/24/2013 1:42 PM 2479 Marry Harry
11/8/2015 9:46 AM 3048 MarsVenus.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2677 Marvelous Wonderettes
5/5/2019 8:18 PM 2889 Mary Mary.htm
7/11/2013 3:42 PM 2420 Mata Hari in 8 Bullets
9/18/2013 4:49 PM 2837 McGoldrick's Thread
11/16/2013 5:22 PM 1992 Medea
4/22/2024 10:41 AM 2883 Medea.htm
11/10/2013 6:13 PM 2472 Men In White
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2846 Mendel's Trouble
12/15/2024 9:32 PM 2346 Mercury.htm
5/25/2013 10:13 AM 2092 Mercy Killers
9/2/2012 10:47 PM 2620 Methtacular
4/3/2021 11:30 PM 3286 Metropolitan in Meter.htm
10/6/2010 8:32 AM 2288 Microcrisis
9/13/2014 5:58 PM 3756 Mighty Real.htm
4/24/2021 12:48 PM 3130 Mine.htm
11/3/2008 3:35 PM 1988 MISCAST
5/25/2012 3:34 PM 2482 Miss Hope's
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 42496 Miss Julie.doc
12/15/2013 11:41 PM 2691 Miss Longview Texas Drag Pageant
9/16/2016 7:28 AM 3931 Missed Connections.htm
6/13/2010 12:38 AM 2594 Modotti
5/24/2013 12:37 PM 2030 Mommalogues
7/20/2012 7:01 PM 1920 Monster
6/6/2021 3:24 PM 3410 Montevedi.htm
5/8/2012 2:46 PM 1938 Moolah
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 4317 More Lies About Jerzy
6/24/2012 6:28 PM 2262 Motel Cherry
7/15/2009 11:47 PM 2138 Mother
7/25/2013 3:38 PM 2736 Mother, Wife, Complicated Life
8/1/2016 4:23 PM 2465 Mr. Toole.htm
2/2/2025 8:56 PM 2665 Mrs. Loman.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2953 Much Ado About Nothing
7/26/2018 7:47 AM 2717 My Life on a Diet.htm
2/16/2014 9:07 PM 2914 My Mother Has 4 Noses
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 1552 My Mother's Italian
8/11/2011 9:12 AM 1687 My Mother's Italian2
4/7/2015 4:39 PM 2395 My Name is Rachel Corrie.htm
3/20/2012 8:50 AM 1952 My Occasion of Sin
8/10/2014 8:46 AM 2638 My Stubborn Tongue.htm
6/27/2021 4:52 PM 2266 My Wife's Mirror.htm
6/28/2010 9:52 PM 1684 Naked in a Fishbowl
10/7/2012 11:44 PM 1726 Naked in Alaska
11/15/2014 7:41 PM 2255 Nancy Redman.htm
7/20/2015 6:12 PM 2381 Napoleon.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 1703 Narcissus And Goldstein
5/22/2015 4:59 PM 2519 neat & tidy.htm
10/12/2009 2:28 PM 3187 Next Year in Jerusalem
2/9/2025 5:34 PM 3116 Night Sings Its Songs.htm
6/2/2009 6:50 PM 2941 Night Sky
5/12/2013 12:42 PM 1781 No Need For Seduction
4/17/2014 11:14 AM 2102 No River Between Us.html
10/19/2013 8:34 PM 2098 No Show
7/26/2014 5:08 PM 2603 No Strings Attached.htm
12/15/2011 10:46 AM 2060 Nocturne
11/23/2015 7:36 AM 3460 Nora.htm
9/6/2012 8:15 AM 2875 Normalcy
7/17/2019 10:34 AM 2102 Not Even The Good Things.htm
3/9/2021 2:32 PM 3664 Not Smart.htm
3/29/2012 9:37 AM 2827 Now Here This
12/5/2013 4:39 PM 2252 Nutcracker Rouge
11/24/2014 2:35 PM 3066 Nutcracker Rouge2.htm
3/8/2015 5:04 PM 3174 O'Neill's Ghosts.htm
4/1/2012 6:34 PM 1894 Obama 44
9/19/2024 9:37 AM 3203 Observant.htm
11/12/2012 12:29 AM 2467 OBSKENE
10/31/2014 5:39 PM 4489 October in the Chair.htm
3/8/2013 7:17 PM 2287 Oedipus Rex
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 2182 Often I Fine That I am Naked
5/17/2010 10:57 PM 2748 Oliver Parker
5/24/2017 3:40 PM 2107 On One Condition.htm
4/14/2023 7:58 AM 2673 On the Right Track.htm
6/30/2016 4:27 PM 2015 On The Verge.htm
10/21/2018 8:14 AM 2990 Onaje.htm
9/16/2023 10:06 PM 2219 One With The Current.htm
4/22/2012 6:09 PM 2361 Open Hearts
8/17/2020 1:02 PM 2029 Opera Saratoga.htm
7/21/2014 9:13 PM 3425 Oprahfication.htm
2/18/2017 10:15 PM 3321 Orion.htm
7/20/2015 6:02 PM 2559 Orpheus & Eurydice.htm
3/2/2015 7:42 PM 3271 Othello.htm
7/26/2020 6:41 PM 2895 Other Than We.htm
12/14/2015 3:42 PM 2014 Our Friends The Enemy.htm
6/19/2016 9:10 PM 3306 Out of the Mouths of Babes.htm
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 3714 Outdoor Puppetry
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 2502 Outside Inn
1/11/2012 3:58 PM 2201 Outside People
3/18/2012 3:23 PM 2779 Parts of Parts & Stitches
5/7/2011 2:51 PM 2519 Pay As You Exit
7/12/2018 9:37 PM 4045 Pedro Pan.htm
12/7/2014 6:51 PM 3196 Peer Gynt.htm
1/23/2017 10:36 AM 2810 Peer Gynt2.htm
7/21/2014 1:49 PM 3965 Pentecost.htm
10/12/2024 11:23 AM 2206 People of the Book.htm
8/10/2012 10:06 PM 1869 People You May Know
11/21/2008 1:08 AM 2096 Perdita
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 2278 Perfect Harmony
7/28/2015 1:32 PM 3052 Persian Prince.htm
7/28/2018 8:03 PM 2979 Peter Who.htm
1/21/2022 9:02 AM 2766 Petunia's Big Day.htm
6/11/2013 7:03 PM 1870 Phoebe in Winter
6/29/2016 6:50 AM 3945 Phoenix Rising.htm
7/13/2012 10:02 PM 2119 Picture Incomplete
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 34816 Pilgrims.doc
2/17/2015 1:49 PM 3469 Pillow on the Stairs.htm
10/19/2015 4:43 PM 2153 Pirates of Penzance.htm
11/24/2013 7:33 PM 1811 Pirira
6/2/2019 12:43 PM 3088 Pizza Man.htm
9/10/2011 5:21 PM 2544 Play It Cool
8/19/2012 9:48 PM 2787 Playing With Fire
4/14/2012 6:05 PM 1859 Poor Baby Bree
8/13/2020 5:06 PM 2813 Poor Man's Butcher.htm
12/7/2011 9:54 PM 1676 Post Office
11/10/2014 7:57 PM 3116 Powerhouse.htm
10/23/2022 10:03 AM 2678 Powerhouse2.htm
10/17/2014 8:12 AM 2731 Powwow Highway.htm
4/28/2012 7:33 PM 2170 Pratfalls
4/21/2017 7:52 AM 3349 Pressing Matters.htm
2/19/2013 10:15 AM 1601 Pretty Little Mouth
10/2/2011 12:16 PM 2746 Pride and Prejudice
7/23/2012 4:04 PM 2578 Prison Dancer
10/21/2011 11:29 AM 1764 Prison Light
12/5/2016 10:31 AM 3369 Private Manning.htm
2/21/2021 12:22 PM 2467 Processing.htm
7/11/2012 9:14 PM 2123 Proof
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 3227 Props
8/15/2010 4:58 PM 3707 Protected
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2368 Providence
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 1955 PS69
2/7/2012 3:36 PM 2280 Psycho Therapy
6/8/2019 6:52 PM 3529 Public Servant.htm
7/26/2014 6:02 PM 3061 Puppet Titus Andronicus.htm
8/6/2009 6:08 PM 2291 Puppetry of the Penis
6/5/2011 6:19 PM 1832 Quartet
4/9/2022 8:05 PM 3090 Queens Girl.htm
11/19/2015 5:49 PM 2074 Rachel Calof.htm
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 3065 Rain From Heaven
2/21/2019 9:08 AM 2734 Random Acts.htm
4/24/2018 7:55 AM 2679 Randy Writes A Novel.htm
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 2381 Rave Mom
7/18/2012 9:56 PM 2459 Re-Animator
12/13/2015 7:53 PM 3513 Real Men.htm
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 5238 Rebel Without a Pause
4/27/2015 4:39 PM 2504 Red Flamboyant.htm
9/6/2023 5:27 PM 2905 Relapse.htm
5/22/2009 7:52 AM 3073 Relfections
3/8/2012 3:08 PM 1648 Renegade Princess
10/21/2020 5:57 PM 2700 Representing TA Buck.htm
8/31/2021 2:49 PM 2521 Return the Moon.htm
9/21/2013 3:49 PM 1804 Revenge and Guilt
3/4/2016 12:14 PM 2636 Reverse Cascade.htm
6/5/2015 8:25 PM 3676 Revolution.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3752 Rhinoceros2
7/17/2020 3:25 PM 3265 Richard II.htm
2/2/2014 8:36 PM 2095 Riding the Midnight Express
10/3/2014 4:22 PM 3571 Riding the Midnight Express2.htm
7/12/2012 1:00 PM 2637 Rio
4/21/2023 5:54 PM 2577 Robin and Me.htm
9/29/2023 11:27 AM 3103 Rock and Roll Man.htm
2/3/2016 7:58 AM 3321 Rock and Roll Refugee.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2739 Rockstar
9/22/2014 4:59 PM 2739 Rococo Rouge.htm
3/6/2013 4:25 PM 2630 rogerandtom
12/5/2014 4:33 PM 3451 Rollo's Wild Oat.htm
7/25/2015 3:27 PM 3643 Romeo and Juliet.htm
9/20/2022 2:25 PM 3008 Rosemary and Thyme.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 3611 Rosmersholm
7/18/2013 3:32 PM 2113 Rubber Ducks and Sunsets
6/13/2014 9:11 PM 3455 Rugantino.htm
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 31744 Safety.doc
3/17/2013 5:27 PM 2096 Saga
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2059 Saint Lucy's Eyes
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 4417 Salem
4/17/2022 10:34 PM 2142 Satan and God.htm
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 35840 Savages.doc
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2418 Saves
8/15/2010 5:00 PM 3287 Scared Skinny
11/12/2011 7:19 PM 1502 Scared Skinny2
3/15/2009 6:16 PM 2499 Schooling Giacomo
6/1/2013 7:32 PM 2613 Schuyler Iona Press
4/27/2013 9:12 AM 2974 Scrambled Eggs
5/5/2014 3:26 PM 2936 Sea Marks.htm
7/14/2009 11:18 PM 2405 Seal Songs
3/5/2017 7:29 PM 3240 See Reverse.htm
4/19/2014 4:41 PM 3545 Selected Short Subjects.htm
11/23/2014 10:14 PM 3031 Self Made Man.htm
12/14/2018 1:11 PM 2384 Selkie.htm
11/21/2016 9:00 PM 2816 Senior Moment.htm
8/29/2023 8:36 AM 3031 September 10.htm
7/12/2012 3:27 PM 2322 Serious Money
7/10/2013 2:55 PM 2531 Serious Money2
10/15/2018 8:08 PM 2882 Serving Brulee.htm
4/13/2013 5:41 PM 2284 Settling Down
2/24/2014 5:45 PM 3446 Sex
12/11/2011 7:17 PM 2286 Sex Good; Money Bad
2/8/2014 6:52 PM 2252 Sex Tips
11/12/2011 11:56 PM 1849 Shadowboxing
11/26/2017 7:38 PM 3673 Shadowlands.htm
5/29/2011 7:09 PM 2646 Shakespeare's Slave
11/18/2015 2:17 PM 2103 Shank's Mare.htm
3/16/2009 10:47 PM 2289 She Said She Said
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2180 Sherlock Solo
7/30/2013 11:14 PM 2781 Shida
5/13/2016 7:31 AM 3003 Shoes and Baggage.htm
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 4051 Shut Up And Love Me
10/12/2014 8:12 PM 3098 Shut Up Sit Down & Eat.htm
2/19/2017 8:19 PM 2320 Sight Unseen.htm
11/9/2014 2:58 PM 2768 Signal Failure.htm
1/11/2009 9:56 PM 2406 Silent Heroes
12/16/2016 10:08 AM 2545 Silent No More.htm
7/12/2016 5:24 PM 2100 Simon Says.htm
8/23/2014 7:25 PM 3352 Simple as Life and Death.htm
7/20/2014 6:54 PM 5774 Sinatras-Potential.htm
5/7/2019 9:49 PM 2224 Sincerely Oscar.htm
9/14/2019 8:44 PM 2775 Sincerity Forever.htm
2/22/2011 4:08 PM 2924 Sky Boys
7/28/2013 2:56 PM 2129 Slain in the Spirit
10/21/2013 1:16 PM 1888 Slut Energy Theory
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 3760 Small Craft Warnings
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 2394 Snatches
7/28/2014 7:51 PM 3398 Snow White & The Beast.htm
4/16/2013 12:08 PM 2074 so go the ghosts of mexico
12/20/2012 4:32 PM 2352 Soldier
4/2/2015 7:21 PM 2019 Soldier X.htm
6/5/2009 10:30 PM 2115 Sole Survivors
6/10/2013 10:52 AM 2212 Something Sudden 5wept Ov3r Me
7/17/2013 2:01 PM 1754 Son of a Hutch
1/15/2012 10:17 PM 2171 Sontag Reborn
5/6/2012 3:12 PM 1982 Sophie Gets The Horns
1/11/2009 9:22 PM 1796 Southern Gothic Novel
12/1/2012 7:57 PM 2195 Speaking in Tongues
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 10752 Spin
1/18/2013 11:38 AM 2685 Spirits of Exit 11
10/17/2017 7:04 AM 2568 Squeamish.htm
5/7/2012 12:42 PM 1563 Stabilized Not Controlled
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 2849 Star Messengers
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 3808 Starmite
11/4/2019 10:14 AM 1946 Step Mama Drama.htm
8/10/2015 12:27 PM 2335 Steve.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3395 Stomp and Shout
9/13/2015 5:23 PM 3057 Stoopdreamer.htm
1/22/2012 10:21 PM 2176 Stopped Bridge of Dreams
7/28/2016 4:30 PM 3157 Strange Country.htm
8/20/2013 11:46 AM 1932 Strange Rain
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 9216 Stranger
12/9/2013 12:56 AM 2213 Struck
9/19/2011 7:16 AM 2718 Suddenly Last Summer
10/7/2018 8:52 AM 2368 Suddenly.htm
5/11/2015 11:36 AM 3619 Summer and Smoke.htm
11/12/2011 7:26 PM 2093 Summer in Sanctuary
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 6843 Summer of 42
5/17/2020 11:07 PM 3217 Suppressed Desires.htm
2/28/2021 9:47 PM 3108 Sweat.htm
7/5/2009 6:38 PM 2005 Sweet Storm
7/11/2010 7:12 PM 2335 Sweet, Sweet Motherhood
5/3/2014 7:23 PM 2629 T-Party.htm
6/29/2015 8:04 AM 2554 Taking Flight.htm
9/11/2011 9:04 PM 8083 Tape
10/5/2013 6:32 PM 2056 Teacher In The House
6/10/2019 8:05 AM 2527 Technodramatists.htm
4/27/2011 9:31 AM 3063 Teeth of the Sons
7/15/2015 9:15 PM 3506 Ten Commandments.htm
2/26/2023 8:37 PM 2472 Tennessee Rising.htm
4/24/2013 12:29 PM 1775 Test
7/31/2012 9:26 AM 1829 Thank You Notes
4/25/2016 3:27 PM 2855 Thao's Library.htm
10/29/2014 5:23 PM 3174 That Play.htm
11/17/2013 5:56 PM 2009 The 39 Steps
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 2743 The A Word
6/6/2010 6:51 AM 2294 The Accidental Pervert
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2224 The Admirable Cracdown
1/30/2015 11:42 AM 3567 The Animal Kingdom.htm
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 48640 The Argument.doc
6/9/2017 7:30 AM 3531 The Artificial Jungle.htm
7/17/2013 1:54 PM 2509 The Awakening of Angel Deluna
9/22/2015 3:39 PM 2360 The Awful Truth.htm
6/17/2012 8:44 PM 2568 The Bad and The Better
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 2820 The Bakkhai
6/23/2013 5:32 PM 2163 The Banana Monologues
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 7630 The Bard In New York City
7/20/2014 5:56 PM 4388 The Bauer Sisters.htm
4/21/2015 2:47 PM 3895 The Belle of Belfast.htm
10/1/2011 6:58 PM 2343 The Big Bank
3/22/2014 7:43 PM 2420 The Big Funk
4/11/2015 6:33 PM 2901 The Biscuit Club.htm
9/14/2015 12:30 PM 2070 The Black Book.htm
12/6/2024 4:26 PM 3136 The Books of Jacob.htm
2/17/2018 6:39 PM 3344 The Boys from Syracuse.htm
10/27/2014 8:34 AM 3900 The Brightness of Heaven.htm
7/14/2013 11:13 PM 2375 The Brontes
12/1/2012 8:04 PM 3733 The Butt-Cracker Suite
4/15/2012 6:20 PM 2656 The Butterfly
5/17/2015 8:50 PM 3652 The Canary.htm
7/22/2013 11:07 PM 2700 The Castle
4/13/2021 5:11 PM 3098 The Chipwoman's Fortune.htm
4/23/2012 10:13 AM 3277 The City Club
1/19/2014 8:11 PM 2407 The Clearing
10/6/2020 3:56 PM 4336 The Clod.htm
9/14/2014 6:03 PM 3091 The Club.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 7336 The Cocktail Hour
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 3250 The Complete Works
11/3/2008 3:35 PM 2748 The Conscientious Objector
5/31/2014 9:20 AM 4191 The Diorama.htm
11/30/2020 3:16 PM 3495 The Downfall of Justice.htm
3/7/2013 11:34 AM 2551 The Drawer Boy
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 2493 The Dreamer Examines His Pillow
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 26112 The Dreamer Examines His Pillow.doc
8/9/2015 6:47 PM 3624 the dreamer examines his pillow.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3377 The Eight Raindeer Monologues
11/18/2015 5:46 PM 3269 The Eternal Space.htm
6/17/2012 8:27 PM 2495 The Etiquette of Death
10/6/2018 6:38 PM 2335 The Evolution of Mann.htm
9/9/2012 5:10 PM 2513 The Eyes of Others
10/2/2011 9:41 PM 2140 The Family Room
3/16/2015 4:43 PM 2069 The Feast.htm
5/18/2015 3:31 PM 2194 The Flatiron Hex.htm
6/8/2018 8:31 AM 2948 The Fourth Wall.htm
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 2770 The Framer
11/30/2009 10:56 AM 2519 The Gayest Christmas Pageant Ever!
6/21/2011 8:09 AM 3567 The Germ Project
4/5/2021 9:40 PM 2606 The Girl.htm
5/29/2010 7:25 PM 3033 The Glass House
5/15/2015 7:59 AM 3865 The Glass Menagerie.htm
11/3/2008 3:35 PM 3350 The Glass Mendacity
8/16/2013 3:55 PM 2145 The Glory of Living
9/1/2015 1:49 PM 2049 The God Gaffe.htm
1/5/2016 11:56 PM 3384 The Golden Bride.htm
11/13/2013 11:29 AM 1974 The Gong Show
11/20/2011 7:45 PM 2060 The Good Morning America
1/23/2017 10:58 AM 3497 The Great American Drama.html
10/8/2023 1:08 PM 2121 The Great Divide.htm
8/6/2013 12:42 PM 3011 The Great Society
10/10/2009 8:43 PM 2518 The Happy Embalmer
6/23/2016 7:31 AM 3269 The Healing.htm
3/9/2014 9:42 AM 2278 The Hero
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 1745 The Holy Mother Of Hadley New York
11/30/2015 1:39 PM 1936 The House of Yes.htm
2/10/2013 11:13 PM 2009 The Human Variations
10/27/2015 9:35 AM 3325 The Hummingbird's Tour.htm
11/3/2008 3:34 PM 3909 The Immigrant
2/15/2012 2:55 PM 2342 The Inexplicable Redemption of Agent G
12/8/2023 12:18 PM 2744 The Inheritance.htm
9/14/2011 1:44 PM 2555 The Invested
3/9/2012 6:13 PM 3054 The Irish Cell
11/12/2012 12:35 AM 4628 The Island of No Tomorrows
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 4313 The Judas Tree
9/30/2011 1:16 PM 2215 The Kid Who Would Be Pope
10/28/2023 9:00 PM 2424 The King of the Jews.htm
7/29/2013 2:26 PM 2883 The King's Whore
11/3/2008 3:35 PM 27136 The Ladies of The Corridor.doc
10/19/2013 10:35 PM 2430 The Landing
2/9/2016 5:06 PM 3929 The Language of Love.htm
7/18/2012 2:45 PM 2360 The Last Smoker
8/3/2012 9:47 PM 2360 The Last Smoker in America
8/4/2014 11:01 PM 4098 The Law of Return.htm
2/28/2013 2:16 PM 1861 The Light in the Refrigerator
11/14/2015 8:42 PM 2172 The Lilliput Troupe.htm
7/9/2020 9:20 PM 3296 The Line.htm
2/16/2020 9:05 PM 2790 The Little Match Girl.htm
11/3/2008 3:38 PM 4150 The London Cuckolds
4/22/2013 12:07 PM 1531 The Loves of Miss Jimmie LeRoy
10/12/2011 11:45 AM 2005 The Lyons
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2159 The Maddening Truth
2/1/2021 4:13 PM 3611 The Magical City.htm
4/15/2013 5:47 PM 2468 The Maiden Phoenix
11/28/2013 1:56 AM 1918 The Maids
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3529 The Marriage of Figaro
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 2908 The Master Builder
9/22/2014 6:14 PM 6242 The McGowan Trilogy.htm
10/16/2013 12:28 PM 2631 The Medicine Showdown
5/30/2014 7:47 AM 3939 The Merchant of Venice.htm
12/16/2012 3:53 PM 2902 The Messenger
5/23/2010 10:54 PM 2413 The Metal Children
10/31/2016 4:33 PM 2979 The MF with the Hat2.htm
2/17/2013 8:42 PM 2488 The Mnemonist of Dutchess County
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 2021 The Moon In Vain Part I Visitation
3/26/2017 6:09 PM 3080 The Most Reluctant Convert.htm
10/15/2024 10:02 PM 2467 The Mulberry Tree.htm
6/10/2018 9:28 AM 2616 The Music in my Blood.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2172 The New Tenant
3/1/2015 9:06 PM 3453 The Nomad.htm
11/30/2012 2:31 PM 2515 The Nutcracker and The Mouse King
4/25/2009 9:23 PM 2673 The Oath
6/15/2015 8:18 PM 2156 The Old Masters.htm
10/22/2012 8:45 AM 2675 The Other Josh Cohen
10/28/2013 2:19 PM 2284 The Other Mozart
3/17/2017 8:25 AM 4285 The Other Plays.htm
2/9/2021 11:39 PM 3329 The Outside.htm
1/31/2015 4:36 PM 3671 The Owl and the Pussycat.htm
5/10/2020 7:23 PM 3471 The Parlor Car.htm
4/16/2021 4:58 PM 5198 The Past is Present.htm
11/3/2008 3:31 PM 31744 The Pavillion.doc
5/9/2016 4:00 PM 2323 The Pelican.htm
7/19/2020 10:16 PM 3410 The People.htm
1/16/2012 6:05 PM 2740 The Picture Box
10/20/2013 3:22 PM 1774 The Pillowman
2/4/2013 1:57 PM 2385 The Pilo Family Circus
4/26/2014 9:24 AM 2926 The Pink Unicorn.htm
5/12/2019 8:54 PM 2759 The Pink Unicorn2.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 3537 The Play About The Baby
3/2/2013 1:51 PM 1675 The Play about the Coach
1/26/2014 4:39 PM 2213 The Portrait
5/24/2020 8:42 PM 3201 The Potboiler.htm
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 2203 The Prancing Horse
8/3/2011 4:12 PM 2189 The Pretty Trap
3/8/2017 10:51 PM 3067 The Providence of Neighboring Bodies.htm
8/14/2010 10:42 PM 1894 The Punishing Blow
10/22/2015 4:31 PM 1950 The Quare Land.htm
6/24/2021 3:40 PM 3251 The Queer Witch Conspiracy.htm
10/27/2016 6:03 PM 3156 The Radicalization of Rolfe.htm
5/5/2019 9:00 AM 2700 The Rare Biosphere.htm
3/12/2016 8:48 AM 3191 The Real Machiavelli.htm
11/16/2020 10:29 AM 2624 The Rector.htm
7/18/2016 4:57 PM 3132 The Red Room.htm
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2424 The Right Way To Sue
5/8/2015 6:24 PM 3606 The Road of Promise.htm
11/13/2016 9:44 PM 3427 The Roads to Home.htm
12/7/2015 8:41 AM 2641 The Savannah Disputation.htm
11/23/2013 9:04 PM 1541 The Script
4/22/2015 4:23 PM 2546 The Servant of Two Masters.htm
4/14/2013 8:27 PM 2596 The Sexual Merges
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 1835 The Shaneequa Chronicles
5/1/2009 8:16 AM 2996 The Shanghai Gesture
2/19/2012 6:46 PM 1820 The Sharks Will Eat You
4/22/2012 10:09 AM 4206 The Shelter Presents Art
7/24/2011 9:32 PM 2574 The Shoemaker
11/2/2022 5:44 PM 2493 The Shot.htm
9/29/2017 6:25 AM 3204 The Showoff.htm
3/18/2021 1:37 PM 3771 The Silent Waiter.htm
1/26/2021 7:15 AM 3488 The Sleeping Car.htm
7/26/2020 6:22 PM 3959 The Smoking Car.htm
3/29/2011 3:21 PM 2229 The Soldier Dreams
5/19/2011 9:40 AM 2531 The Sphinx Winx
6/27/2015 7:32 PM 3889 The Spoils.htm
1/22/2013 3:39 PM 2270 The Steadfast
8/23/2015 9:43 PM 2814 The Submarine Show.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 1844 The Tanning Salon
6/27/2009 9:20 PM 2304 The Temperamentals
10/6/2020 3:37 PM 3274 The Tempest.htm
10/11/2020 2:22 PM 3148 The Tempest2.htm
10/17/2020 5:12 PM 2784 The Tempest3.htm
10/24/2020 11:14 PM 2413 The Tempest4.htm
10/5/2020 5:52 PM 3176 The Temptest.htm
7/6/2014 8:32 PM 3645 The Three Irish Widows.htm
2/18/2012 7:14 PM 2459 The Thrill of the Chase
11/3/2008 3:31 PM 2361 The Thugs
2/18/2024 11:00 AM 1936 The Tiger's Bride.htm
5/26/2014 4:03 PM 3758 The Tragedy of Dandelion.htm
8/14/2013 3:54 PM 2221 The Unfortunates
3/2/2021 7:33 PM 4056 The Valiant.htm
9/4/2016 8:15 PM 2897 The Vanity.htm
5/26/2015 3:45 PM 2042 The Vaudevillians.htm
10/23/2011 9:24 AM 1561 The Vegas Project
2/6/2016 11:10 PM 3388 The Very Hungry Caterpillar.htm
4/13/2013 6:21 PM 2297 The Warrior Women
4/6/2019 5:43 PM 3396 The Way We Get By.htm
7/12/2015 1:25 PM 3040 The Weir.htm
2/22/2016 5:51 PM 2172 The White Stag Quadrilogy.htm
11/3/2008 3:37 PM 2868 The Woman
9/17/2011 6:17 PM 2505 The Woman Standing on the Moon
5/30/2017 2:43 PM 2114 The Woman Who Was Me.htm
4/21/2014 8:34 PM 3394 The Woodsman.htm
3/22/2014 7:36 PM 1973 The Year I Was Gifted
6/20/2013 5:18 PM 2141 The Year of Dead Cats
11/3/2008 3:36 PM 4277 TheIdiot
6/9/2016 2:28 PM 2766 Then Silence.htm
9/13/2015 10:36 AM 3085 There is a Happiness.htm
11/22/2016 12:41 PM 3438 This Day Forward.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 26112 This Is A Play_Never Swim Alone.doc
6/15/2015 5:38 PM 2179 This is Mary Brown.htm
11/5/2013 1:47 AM 2166 Those Who Can't Do
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2008 Three Travelers
4/11/2009 3:48 PM 2150 Tibet Does Not Exist
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 2445 Tidbits And Teasers
12/3/2023 7:01 PM 2521 Til Death.htm
8/16/2009 11:19 PM 3744 Time's Scream and Hurry
8/19/2013 2:05 PM 2797 Timmy The Great
10/26/2024 6:21 PM 2263 Tin Church.htm
9/22/2013 3:49 PM 2562 To Fool The Eye
6/1/2019 10:08 PM 2305 To She Who Waits.htm
10/14/2020 7:08 PM 9018 Tolerance Party1.htm
10/14/2020 7:20 PM 3179 Tolerance Party2.htm
7/28/2012 11:26 AM 3202 Tombstone The Legend of Wyatt Earp
7/16/2015 6:10 PM 3717 Tonya & Nancy.htm
7/27/2015 9:26 PM 2254 Trail of Tears.htm
11/3/2008 3:35 PM 67584 Trailerville.doc
2/15/2014 5:57 PM 2940 Transport
4/30/2015 9:45 PM 3926 Trash Cuisine.htm
12/22/2020 1:02 PM 2165 Trees.htm
7/18/2012 2:09 PM 2700 Tribes
10/19/2015 7:08 AM 4713 Trip of Love.htm
9/18/2023 10:38 PM 2585 Tripping on Life.htm
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 2966 Troilus & Cressida
6/22/2012 7:31 AM 1916 True West
5/5/2015 10:24 PM 2923 Twelfth Night.htm
6/8/2012 2:40 PM 2516 Two Brothers, Two Sisters
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 2982 Two Girls From Vermont
12/14/2020 8:36 PM 2385 Two Truths and A Lie.htm
6/12/2013 6:03 PM 2711 Unbroken Circle
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 34304 Uncle.doc
11/3/2008 3:30 PM 2202 UncleBob
10/4/2009 9:33 PM 2417 Underground
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 2911 Underneath The Lintel
3/15/2015 5:10 PM 2327 Underwater Guy.htm
7/27/2015 9:34 PM 2670 Unfinished Business.htm
11/18/2011 5:44 PM 2114 unFramed
12/2/2023 10:08 PM 2087 United Nations.htm
4/7/2015 3:26 PM 3074 Unmentionables.htm
10/15/2015 10:29 AM 3656 Unseamly.htm
11/3/2008 3:35 PM 3192 Unwrap Your Candy
3/27/2012 9:42 AM 3075 Urban Odyssey
9/8/2012 5:35 PM 2541 US
11/3/2008 3:35 PM 10240 Vampire Dreams
8/24/2015 4:31 PM 2218 Verano Place.htm
10/27/2015 10:10 PM 2750 Veritas.htm
10/30/2011 3:35 PM 1876 Verse Chorus Verse
11/9/2014 3:08 PM 4701 Vietnam Through My Lens.htm
1/11/2015 11:30 PM 2798 Villainous Company.htm
4/11/2016 4:32 PM 2240 Vincent.htm
12/16/2020 11:59 PM 1896 Virtual Impossibilities.htm
7/5/2018 12:19 PM 2228 Vitaly.htm
7/16/2013 4:42 PM 2963 Volleygirls
10/29/2020 1:50 PM 2594 Vote the New Moon.htm
12/6/2010 10:15 AM 3682 wakka_wakka_www
4/20/2013 4:53 PM 2504 Wanda's Monster
11/3/2008 3:35 PM 3310 Wanderers
11/3/2008 3:28 PM 2428 War
11/3/2008 3:33 PM 3036 Ward 9
8/8/2018 6:09 AM 3253 Wars of the Roses.htm
10/27/2019 12:38 PM 1928 Wasbian.htm
2/3/2016 8:08 AM 2975 Washer Dryer.htm
2/3/2016 8:07 AM 2975 Washer.htm
7/13/2015 12:27 PM 2808 Wearing Black.htm
5/18/2015 7:53 AM 2388 What Are You Eating.htm
11/3/2008 3:29 PM 1671 What If We Did This
5/29/2015 6:03 PM 2263 What Was Lost.htm
1/6/2017 11:57 AM 3374 What We Wanted.htm
8/5/2012 6:27 PM 2337 Whatta Ya Nuts
1/11/2013 6:13 PM 2063 When It Rains
11/12/2023 8:08 PM 1852 When Jesus Divorced Me.htm
6/4/2012 6:10 PM 2324 When Thoughts Attack
8/16/2014 4:38 PM 2996 When We Were Idiots.htm
6/25/2020 5:09 PM 4676 Where the Cross is Made.htm
9/3/2015 8:12 PM 1699 Where Was I.htm
5/12/2016 10:47 PM 2090 Whether We Like It or Not.htm
3/24/2012 10:15 PM 1086 Who Loves You, Baby
10/5/2015 6:49 AM 3972 Who's Your Baghdaddy.htm
5/26/2014 4:13 PM 4921 Why Bother.htm
1/28/2019 9:07 AM 2782 Wickedest Woman.htm
6/3/2013 10:53 PM 1913 Wiggerlover
12/2/2016 11:22 PM 2087 Wild Women of Planet Wongo.htm
6/5/2016 2:29 PM 2933 Wine and Spirits.htm
3/25/2021 12:26 PM 3502 Winter's Night.htm
1/11/2016 8:12 AM 2225 Winterworks 2016.htm
6/5/2014 1:29 PM 4840 Within the Laws.htm
2/2/2013 8:20 PM 3499 Women of Will
5/13/2018 11:46 AM 2875 Women on Fire.htm
11/3/2008 3:31 PM 26624 Wrecked.doc
10/12/2020 4:53 PM 2546 Xingu.htm
7/28/2013 2:42 PM 2398 Yesterday Iran
5/5/2013 3:29 PM 2943 You Are Here
6/12/2011 12:38 PM 3104 You'll Be Happy When I'm Dead
4/26/2013 2:52 PM 1397 You're a Good Boy, Abercorn
2/11/2012 11:01 PM 2554 You, My Mother
11/3/2008 3:32 PM 2700 Zanna Don't
4/18/2021 5:05 PM 2651 Zemlinskys Zimmer.htm
11/6/2018 10:05 AM 2987 Zero Hour.htm
3/19/2021 4:40 PM 2215 ZeroRama.htm
2/23/2009 9:00 AM 2217 Zombie