The Flea Presents
41 White Street
5-28 June 2015
Written by Sam Marks
Directed by Brandon Stock
Featuring The Bats: Adelind Horan, Rory Kulz, Alesandra
Ben Schmitt is an artist-turned-art teacher who still craves the
success and attention of the ever-changeable art world. He’s got a beautiful,
successful wife who is pregnant with their first child. Everything seems fine
until an old friend disappears and his grieving girlfriend asks him to handle
the paintings of his estate. The unexpected success of the missing artist shines
a light on everything Ben thinks he’s missing.
While the premise is
supposed to be about art, one never gets the feeling that Ben really cares about
art. He is driven not to bring his own vision to light, but to re-create the
style of his missing friend in order to taste a little bit of fame and money.
His shallowness and selfishness is so obvious, that one wonders why either of
these women would put up with him for five minutes, let alone why an audience
would care.
I do have to say that The Flea’s downstairs venue was so hot
and the seats so uncomfortable, that it was impossible to enjoy the performers
who were working so hard in the heat. Surely they could get someone to donate
better chairs and if the air doesn’t work, get it fixed!
- Jean Tait -