Metropolitan Playhouse
Written by
Owen Davis
Directed by Alex Roe
Set Design: Alex Roe
Lighting Design:
Christopher Weston
Costume Design: Sidney Fortner
Stage Manager: Katy
Starring: Victor Barranca, Connor Barth, Anne Bates, Quinlan
Corbett, Gregory Dann, Sidney Fortner, Michelle Geisler, Olivia Killingsworth,
Kelly King, Maria Silverman, Alyssa Simon, Rob Skolits
Metropolitan Playhouse
Through October 19, 2014 800.838.3006
Three siblings - ‘the Jordans' as they proudly refer to themselves - from rural
Maine, sit in the parlor of their dying mother’s home, anxiously awaiting the
doctor’s prognosis. They mask their greed by feigning love for their mother. But
their real motives become clear once they discuss their mother’s will; which one
of them needs her fortune most and whether it would be divided equally. They are
like “carrion crows around a sick cow at pasture”.
Mother Jordan is a
cold, unfeeling woman typical of stoic New Englanders. As she breathes her last
breath, we learn from the Judge that she willed everything to Jane, their
reliable, distant cousin who has been her caregiver for 7 years. She knew her
children’s motives and knew they would be irresponsible, says the Judge.
Cousin Jane rules the roost now and keeps a firm hold on the family fortune
denying the siblings any advances or loans without conditions. Youngest brother
Ben, the outlaw, is coerced by Jane into working the family farm or else go to
prison. There are twists and turns in who secretly loves (or lusts) whom and the
story takes a dramatic turn when naughty Nettie (granddaughter) and
ne’er-do-well Ben begin a flirtatious relationship.
But there is one last
promise Mother Jordan asked of Jane which Jane cleverly uses to attempt to
extricate herself from the Jordans. But all’s well that ends well and Mother
Jordan still gets the last laugh.
ICEBOUND is a dark
comedy that shows how cold and conniving people can be, especially in desperate
circumstances and a frigid environment - and I don’t mean climate!
Ms. Killingsworth as Jane is convincing as the tough-love
caregiver who emerges triumphant.
- Gloria Talamas -