Beautiful Soup Theater Presents
Five Plays in Repertory by Steven Carl McCasland
The Clarion
309 East 26th St.
NY NY 10010
8, 10, 13, 14, 20,
23, 28, 30, 31 May 2015
Written and Directed by Steven Carl McCasland
Taking on a backstage play about one of the most iconic shows of the 20th
century, “A Glass Menagerie,” is biting off quite a mouthful for a young
playwright. Steven Carl McCasland confidently takes on this
project successfully. It is a good play, but I don’t know that it could have
worked without the fine, strong performance by Pennylynn White.
Fragile, tender, yet with an inner strength and fire, the Hepburnesque White
brings the insecurity of an alcoholic with the confidence of a stage diva into a
lovely and complex character. I’d really like to see her play Amanda sometime.
The rest of the cast is able, if not extraordinary. The small, unusual space
is well used and the lighting is terrific (kudos to Lighting Designer
Molly Tiede). Unfortunately the costumes of the supporting characters
were distractingly modern, but I’m sure they didn’t have much of a budget to
work with.
Having caught two of the five shows by Mr. McCasland this
month at the Clarion Theater, now I wish I had seen them all. Steven
Carl McCasland is definitely a playwright to watch!
- Jean Tait