T. Schreiber Theatre Presents


T. Schreiber Theatre
151 West 26th Street, 7th Floor
NY NY 10001
19 October-19 November 2016

I’m a big fan of Chris Rock, so I had trepidations about seeing the T. Schreiber Theatre production of THE MOTHERF**KER WITH THE HAT. I should not have been worried.

THE MOTHER F**KER WITH THE HAT is a dark comedy about self-absorbed, self-defeating people who strive to find love and acceptance even as they drive it away. Centered around Jackie (Omar Bustamante) and Veronica (alliterally played by Viviana Valeria!) who are trying to work out being together after Jackie gets out of prison, the play ricochets between their apartment, his sponsor and his wife’s apartment, and Jackie’s cousin Julio’s apartment. Well, it should ricochet. Unfortunately, in this production, the set changes were interminable and exhausting to watch. They consistently dragged the energy down, which was a shame for this high octane piece.

Mr. Bustamante’s Jackie never lets his energy down. It is an intense, violent, yet endearing performance as Jackie strives to do the right thing, even if it’s not always the best (or legal) thing to do. Bustamente is ably supported by the adorable Robby Ramos as his nerdy Cousin Julio, and the lovely Viviana Valeria as his addict girlfriend.

Casey Braxton plays Ralph (the character played by Chris Rock on Broadway) with dexterous aplomb. With the spiritual air (and slender, fit build) of a yoga instructor, Braxton balances Ralph’s soothing AA sponsor advice with the sleazy charm of a serial seducer who finds nothing contradictory in telling his sponsee to break up with his girlfriend because she is an addict, while he himself is sleeping with her.

Jill Bianchi rounds out the terrific cast as the emotionally beaten down wife of Ralph who decides the best revenge would be seducing Jackie.

- Jean Tait -