#HANNAHGADSBY Facebook: /hannahgadsbycomedy Twitter: @Hannahgadsby
SoHo Playhouse
15 Vandam Street
March 9 – May 31, 2018
How do you define the undefinable, the person who won’t fit into a proper mold, the comedian who makes you cry? I have no idea but I owe it to HANNAH GADSBY to try. The word should be passed on about this amazing phenomenon. Straight from Tasmania, after having picked up numerous awards in Scotland and UK for her show, as well as her native Australia, she is now appearing at the SoHo Playhouse in New York City.
Appearing is a rather tame word for Gadsby. She rips up the stage with rapid-fire comedy, politics, social views, and her own poignant story. She holds the audience in the palm of her hand and lets you know how and why she is doing it. She plucks every chord of your heartstrings, and you will find yourself laughing and crying within a matter of seconds. And as the show ends, you will beg her to continue doing comedy while praying that she doesn’t. How does that happen? You gotta see it to believe it.
- Laurie Lawson -