The Riant Theatre’s Strawberry Theatre Festival Presents


St. Clements Theater
423 West 46th St.
NY NY 10036
14-30 July 2016

Book, Music and Lyrics by by: Molly Alexa Horan
Directed by: Jenny Leon

Featuring: Samantha Aneson, Georgia Lee King, T.J. Nelson, Amy Lynn Sheehan and Matthew Stoke

245 is an original, one-act musical about four addicts recovering at Rhapsody Music Rehabilitation Center written by Molly Alexa Horan. It starts with a strong opening number, “Shoebox,” that introduces each of the characters musically. Unfortunately, the rest of the show never quite reaches the same artistic level as the opening number. After using interesting choreography in “Shoebox,” the play eschews choreography for the rest of the piece. That is too bad, as the movement really added to the feelings of yearning and loss that each of the addicts is feeling, and dance can be an important component of music therapy.

The cast are all good singers, especially T.J. Nelson as Timmy (sadly the character with the least amount of songs). Georgia Lee King’s Maizy is another standout as a cough syrup swilling shy girl who blossoms the most in this particular type of therapy.

Although not much can be accomplished in a 50 minute musical, the idea is a good one to develop into a longer piece, and with this cast, it could really go somewhere.

- Jean Tait -