The Attic Theater Company presents
46 Walker Street
18 June-9 July 2016
Written by: Eric Overmyer
Directed by:
Laura Braza
Featuring: Emily Kitchens, Monette Magrath, Ella
Dershowitz, and William John Austin
What could be more fascinating than
intrepid women explorers of the Victorian era? Unfortunately, in the Attic
Theater’s production of ON THE VERGE or, the Geography of Yearning,
anything could. In the Lobby are quotes from well-known “Lady Travelers.” Any of
those quotes was far more interesting that what happened on stage. The three
actresses each played one note of their character with no shading or variety.
Their lines were shouted every time, leaving no room for nuance or emotional
differences. Walkerspace is not a large venue. There was no need for the
relentless volume!
The delightful absurdity of ON THE VERGE
was lost in the mish mash of words with little to no meaning. What should have
been Thornton Wilder-ish whimsy was completely non-existent in this overwrought
and overbearing production.
- Jean Tait -