Firebone Theatre
Hosted by The Olmsted Salon
Gramercy Park North
April 24-May 16
Directed by Laura Savia
by Don NguyenFeaturing Nancy Sun, Karen Huie, Kim Wong, Creina House, Don Castro
In present day Vietnam, people living with HIV/AIDS are isolated and
shunned. Mrs. Hue was infected by her heroin addicted husband. She tries to
build a support group by inviting other women infected with the disease to live
in her house. Adjusting to all the conflicting personalities while trying to
summon the courage to fight for the treatment they need is difficult for this
shy woman.
Don Nguyen’s RED FLAMBOYANT, tells the story
of Mrs. Hue’s growth from victim to leader in this affecting play combining folk
lore, storytelling and the relationships with her fellow sufferers.
one walks into the space, the simple but artful design transports you to a small
village in Vietnam. Unfortunately, the rest of the staging and design are more
distracting than transporting. Because of the 360° staging, there was almost
always a stage light glaring in my eyes. The shadow puppets (a great idea) were
sloppily handled in some scenes, but worked well in others. The aerial work
(another great idea) also was inconsistent and messy. Instead of being highly
affecting, it often seemed as if the actors were just bouncing around for no
The acting was also inconsistent, with the exception of
Karen Huie as Mrs. Sau who was consistently strong.
I hope the
play is given another, simpler staging, as I think it could be quite affecting.
The real Mrs. Hue deserves a successful show to bring her story of heroism to a
wider audience.
- Jean Tait -