Parkside Lounge
317 East Houston Stree2
NY NY 10001
Wednesdays through 14 December 2016

Book by Steve Mackes
Lyrics by Steve Mackes, Ben Budick, Dave Ogrin
Music by Dave Ogrin
Directed by David Rigano
Choreography by Juson Williams
Musical Directed by Paul Rigano

WILD WOMEN OF PLANET WONGO is a wild and wacky way to spend an evening. On entering, you are given a Wongotini (not sure exactly what is in it, but there is definitely vodka and Midori). The room is ringed with monitors playing retro visuals from the early 60’s, which sets the mood for this mod party. Imagine a mashup of Rocky Horror Picture Show and Grease, happening all around you and you will get an idea of what WWPW is all about.

There is not much plot, just a couple of space travelling men crash land on a planet with only women and wackiness ensues. The cast is mostly terrific, especially Amanda Nicholas as the commanding and lustful Queen Rita. The costumes and wigs are straight out of a late 50’s B movie. A stronger leading man and a better sound balance (I couldn’t hear the vocals over the music sometimes) would make it better, but it is still worth it if you are looking for something goofy and different to do.

- Jean Tait -