National Black Theatre
Written by Chisa Hutchinson
Directed by Jonathan McCrory
Set Design:
Maruti Evans
Costume Design: Karen Perry
Lighting Design: Alan C. Edwards
Sound Design: Justin Hicks
Stage Manager: Halle Morse
Featuring: Lizan
Mitchell and NIkkie E. Walker
Press Representative: Ron Lasko, Spin Cycle
National Black Theatre
2031-33 National Black Theatre
Way at the corner of 125th Street and Fifth Avenue
Through November 23, 2015,
M-S at 7:30pm, except 10/17 and 10/24 at 5 and 9pm; 866-811-4111
DEAD AND BREATHING opens with Veronika, a very outspoken
caregiver, as she readies her wealthy, cantankerous patient, Carolyn, for her
bath. As she is eased into the sudsy water, Carolyn’s backside is laid bare, as
is her wish to die. After two years in hospice care and supposedly dying of
cancer, Carolyn is bored with living. Veronika, her 17th caregiver, gives
Carolyn a run for her money. All of Carolyn’s beliefs are revealed under
Veronika’s care, as she negates all that is good: love, religion and such.
The remainder of the show is full of delicious, funny, caustic and racy
banter between the two women. Carolyn names Veronika as the heir of her
considerable fortune, but only if she helps her commit suicide. Veronika
desperately needs the money but her Christian morals are being tested and she
The story takes a turn when Carolyn learns Veronika is a
transexual, and is repulsed by the thought of “death by Tranny”. But Veronica
defends herself passionately. Eventually, Carolyn comes to terms with Veronica’s
transformation, while Veronika, after much rationalization, comes to terms with
assisting Carolyn’s death. Though somewhat unbelievable, the struggle is
resolved by an unexpected or divine intervention.
Carolyn has it all, but
is miserable. Veronika is poor, but happy. In their brief interaction, they
become intertwined and grow together. Paradoxically, there’s something about
approaching death that brings out the life in people.
Mitchell is a delight to watch. She infuses wit, intelligence and
passion like few other actors. Nikkie Walker’s love and
sharp-witted deliveries are good counterpoints.
As the show ends, the
director and the new CEO of NBT engage the audience in a talk back.
Gloria Talamas